Breath is a huge part of mindfulness. Most guided meditations start by prompting you to check in with your breath, either by taking deliberately big and slow breaths or simply noticing what your breath is doing. I've shared some breathing exercises that I use with clients in the past.

Strategic Breathing

Breathing is a free ap by Max Strom that educates about the importance of mindful breaths and teaches how to use your breath to self-regulate and relax. Soothing visuals, animations, and simple instructions make this ap easy to use, and the exercises can be done anywhere.

(I feel obligated to point out that Max Strom is not a mental health professional. He is a philosopher, yoga instructor, author, and several other things according to his website. This does not mean that these exercises aren't therapeutic, especially since no ap should be used as a substitute for therapy.)

Breathing technique: Ocean Breathing

The free version of Breathing gives education about how our breath affects our emotions, a five-minute standing evolution, and seated evolutions. There is a paid upgrade with more standing evolutions and some "deep relaxation" meditations.

Breathing seems like a great resource for people who are learning about mindful breathing and want to learn from guided meditations.

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