The Texas Heartbeat Bill.

In the span of the last 48 hours, those four little words have caused an opinion firestorm in - not just the news media - but in classrooms, on social media, the podcast world, and even in our own personal circles.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

The pro-life bill that bans abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat at six weeks, has been likened to the Taliban, with hashtags like #TexasTaliban trending on Twitter. It's been likened to the Handmaid's Tale, the KKK, slavery and being touted as dangerously dystopian.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

And sitting here, silently cheering on this monumental day from my apartment in the land of deep blue that is New York City, one of the most disheartening things I've noticed is the terribly manipulative rhetoric -- the euphemisms -- geniusly used by the left to sanitize what they're actually fighting for: ending a child's life.

"Pro-Choice," "Women's Healthcare." "Reproductive Justice." "Freedom of Choice." "Body Autonomy." "A Woman's Right to Choose." "Pregnancy Termination." "My Body, My Choice." All these terms dehumanize the child in the womb, and expertly manipulate the receiver into forgetting that we're talking about a human life. Rather, we're talking about "justice," "autonomy," "misogyny," "freedom." If you can change the way someone speaks, you can change the way they think, and thus - you can change the world. Terrifying.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

And speaking of speech...

I've learned over and over in my life, that walking a mile in someone else's shoes is quite possibly the most insightful, moving, and powerful teacher that exists in this life. And, truthfully, as the young woman you know me to be, yes: I have my ardently held beliefs about abortion that are based on my faith. But thankfully, abortion has never come within a stone's throw of my life, praise God.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

So tonight, I wanted to turn the floor over to a dear friend I met when I was speaking in Erie, PA at the 138 Women's Conference last year. Alyssa Bormes - gifted speaker, author and teacher - shared her incredibly powerful story, which - spoiler alert - involves two abortions. It was the most powerful speech I have ever heard. I was breathlessly captivated, listening to her share her testimony. Truly, there was not a dry eye in the house.

But there's been so much talk about how up-in-arms people are for Texan woman who can't get abortions anymore, likening them to Afghan women, or women in the 1950's. And I just wanted to offer a counter point...from a woman who actually had not one, but two abortions. And how that "privilege of choice" actually impacts a woman, post-abortion.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

So, I invite you to listen to her speech - share it, pass it along. Because abortion not only kills the babies, but it leaves the mothers with an unimaginable burden that they'll silently carry for the rest of their lives. And it's time we start making that known, too.

Warning: the speech contains content about suicide. If you, or anyone you know need help, please call: 800-273-8255, or reach out at

So thank you, Alyssa, for having the courage to share you story. You have inspired countless people - myself included - of the fortitude of the human spirit, and the merciful, saving love of Jesus.

The Texas Abortion Ban has people up in arms over this

And to hear my speech from that conference, click here.

"This is what the Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life." Ez 37:5


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