Item: Home-made magret de canard (French-style duck breast)
Date: July 29, 2021
Location: Wuhan, China
Rating: ★★★★★★★★★☆

I finally made the classic Bordelaise dish magret de canard at home and it was amazing! Well, less amazing than it could potentially be, mainly because I couldn't find fresh, high-quality duck breast and only bought a pack of frozen ones. The meat was first seared and then briefly oven-baked, and after plating, it was topped with a nice red wine sauce. Mmmmmmmmm. As a side dish, I sliced some potatoes, soaked the slices in cream and mozzarella cheese, layered them, and baked the heck outta them for a heavenly overdose of calories. But hey, taste over calories...occasionally, anyway!

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