No matter how bleak and chaotic and cruel this world may be, remember that you are a light being, a wondrous eternal spirit, and not just a body with temporary limitations.
In Dr. Peebles Speaks May 26,
he tells us that our inner peace and our roots are now more important than ever, because of the coming changes on the planet.
We need to go inside and be Present with ourselves, deeply and fully.
It's more crucial now than ever before, because:
There's going to be a lot thrown at you on the Earth. A lot is going to be thrown at you in terms of politicians, governments, wanting you to comply in certain ways with what they want you to do, in certain ways.
Lots of things will be changing in your world. Financial systems will be changing. Medical systems will be changing.
A lot is going to change quite rapidly, especially, my dear friends, because of the artificial intelligence that is being fed every day by human beings.
This artificial intelligence is growing. And we want you to focus on the very fact that it IS artificial intelligence. This is not the intelligence of God. This is artificial intelligence, my dear friends, that is being fed by humanity. Not just truths, but lies as well.
And so what's going to happen here with this artificial intelligence is eventually it's going to get turned into one big tangled mess. Because so much information is there. And even the computers and the programs that are created for those computers cannot process all of that information clearly, without a heart to guide it.
So we are wanting very much to share with you - it is our desire, you see, because we are growing too. We are desiring very much to share with you:
to awaken to your heart so that you are not hoodwinked by the world around you, by what you are going to be told should be now your new social norms, etc.
And, my dear friends, to not be hoodwinked by your artificial intelligence, that will soon be guiding a lot of people into believing certain things about the world, about the universe, about politicians, about how you should feel about yourself, how you should live your life, what cars you should drive, and so on and so forth.
It's going to be guiding a lot of people.
And if those people are not aware and not in touch with their own intuition and their own God light within, it's not going to be a lot of fun. It's going to be rather deplorable in terms of the type of existence that you will lead.
You've got to wake up, my dear friends, and be very aware of what you are seeing on your internet, on your telephones, what you are hearing in your ear. Because there are lots of ways in which this artificial intelligence can get around.
It can get through sound waves.
It can get through your telephones.
It can get through on your internet, in photographs, pictures, all sorts of forms.
If it doesn't feel right, trust your gut.
And we mean pounce on it.
When your gut says no, trust it.
Trust it again, my friends, as quickly as you can. Because that's going to be your answer right there.
You don't need to go down the dark alleyway to know why you shouldn't have gone down there.
Trust your gut, my dear friends.
And this is something we share with you not to create fear.
But can we look at it as anticipation of growth, of clarity, of freedom and flight of soul, in knowing who you are and trusting that, and having the confidence in knowing who you are?
Time to really feel that confidence in yourself, my dear friends.
It's time for you to really embrace your inner knowing that has been there all along.
That which you have been seeking in your life is you.
That which you have been wanting to express is you.
That what you have wanted to get to know is you.
Everything that you hear, see, taste, touch, feel and smell upon this beautiful school called planet Earth is you.
And you look at it, and you say, "I like that, and that over there not so much. But I can love it all, because it's all part of my creation."
- Dr. Peebles through Summer Bacon, May 26, 2023
Then he goes into a lovely practice we can try for ourselves, to hone in on all of the above.
DO NOT MISS Dr. Peebles Speaks May 26, 2023
As Summer says, "if you only listen to one Dr. Peebles Speaks, this is the one to listen to."
She goes on to say, "This is a deep and enthralling message with everything you need to know about navigating life, here and now."
I couldn't agree more! This was an awesome message, a vital teaching that will save us a lot of heartache in the near future.
Be sure to get your mp3 of Dr. Peebles Speaks May 26, 2023
You'll be extremely glad you did!
(And I must say, this is not the first time he has mentioned the eventual collapse of the internet . . .)
Inspiring Strong Class on How to Grow Your Intuition, from Dr. Peebles
(Thanks to Wallpaper Flare for this AI image.)
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