Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, has been gaining popularity among many patients with chronic conditions in the past few years. It is a perfect treatment option for patients who prefer not to undergo reconstructive surgery to provide relief for their chronic conditions.  During this treatment, the doctor uses adult stem cells, particularly fat stem cells. Stem cells are typically the body's natural healing cells released when there are underlying diseases, damaged tissue, and when other cells are incorrectly functioning or dying.

How stem cell therapy works

The stem cells are taken from a patient's body, mostly from the fat tissue of the abdomen or upper thigh and placed into a centrifuge machine that imitates the most valuable and rich stem cell material.  This rich stem material is then injected back into the patient's body at the area of the injury, pain, or disease to stimulate the body to heal naturally.

The new cells will start working immediately and replace and repair the surrounding tissues and cells, thus reducing inflammation immediately. New muscle, tendon, ligament, and bone tissues will start to form once these undifferentiated cells become specialized.

Who is an ideal candidate for stem cell therapy?

Now that you understand what stem cell therapy is and how it works, who can benefit from this treatment? Well, patients who have tried all other treatment routes are the most suitable candidates because of the less invasive and lower risk of stem cell therapy. Studies show that [patients who are experiencing degenerative bone conditions and orthopedic injuries have greatly benefited from stem cell therapy because it stimulates new tissue and overall heating as well as reduces inflammation. Even asthma patients have greatly benefited from stem cell for asthma.

What factors affect the effectiveness of stem cell therapy?

How effective stem cell therapy is will depend on a number of factors, including:

  1. The severity of the injury

If you are looking into stem cell therapy to treat your injury, you need to understand that the severity of the injury will have a great impact on how effective the treatment will be. Stem cells can be used to treat severe injuries, but it will take time.

  1. Age

Age also plays a significant role when it comes to the effectiveness of stem cell therapy. The more advanced your age, the less healthy cells you have. Your treatment will be more effective if you act immediately, instead of waiting further. But stem cells can still work in elderly patients; it's only that it will require additional treatments.

  1. Types of stem cells used

Remember that not all cells are treated qual. Each stem cell source may have different advantages. Some can transform into types of cells that others can't. Stem cells can be harvested from various areas of the body, including fat cells, bone marrow, and birth tissues such as the umbilical cord and placenta. When stem cells are properly harvested and enriched, they will be very effective.

  1. Lifestyle habits

The lifestyle habit of the patient is also likely to affect the effectiveness of stem cell therapy. If a patient smokes or drinks heavily, this makes the therapy less effective. That's because these unhealthy habits are more likely to impact the quality of the cells that are taken from the patient's body to be used in treatment. So if you want your stem therapy for lupus to be effective, you need to leave a healthy lifestyle.