Those of us who had Covid might be still working out a few kinks, those crappy after-effects.
But we can return to good health.
We can feel great again.

It takes time to gather data and figure it out (which is why my dear MD hasn't been much help, as they depend on studies yet to be done).
I have no research team, but here's what I've seen so far in my own healing journey since spring of 2020. (Take it or leave it, as you wish.)

Some After-effects that cause long-haul Covid:
Histamine overload
Mast cell activation
Stiff sticky fascia which cramps the organs (and can potentially damage the lungs and kidneys, possibly gallbladder, liver, heart, and other organs)

Some Remedies for long-haul Covid:
Low histamine diet
Supplements (see FLCCC protocol list)
Rest, gentle self-care, great hydration
Visceral Manipulation therapy to restore the fascia to flexibility. Also helpful - stretching with myofascial therapy work and yin yoga.

Last year I puzzled over strange symptoms that looked like allergies (except I did not have allergies - my sinuses were clear and felt fine). I had a teeny tiny post nasal drip, but mostly fatigue with intermittent nausea and weakness. Exercise was sometimes more difficult than it had been. (Because of hidden inflammation, it turns out. The fallout of this long-haul has been strange, because I had only a mild to moderate case of the virus - it wasn't too horrible at the time.)

By August 2021 I realized the root cause was histamine intolerance - HIT. (Symptoms had appeared 6 months after I had the first-version Covid, then another 9 months to figure it out.)
I began a low histamine diet.
(I used antihistamines for a while, but that is hard on the body in the long run.)

Histamine is produced in the body but also is found in virtually all foods (some more than others).
Histamine is a major player in our immune system functions. (We need it.)
Histamine increases in response to an allergy, causing us to sneeze, cough, and feel bad.

Then we take antihistamines to feel better. (Just a few weeks ago, medical media announced that antihistamines do help with long haul Covid. But how long do we want that potentially harmful Band-Aid, instead of healing the root cause?)

After staying on my low histamine diet and taking Quercetin with Bromelain, I felt much better and wrote a post on it in November '21. (Had to wait till it worked, to share it.)

Come to find out, the most common cause of histamine intolerance is Mast Cell Activation syndrome (MCAS).
Mast cells are white blood cells throughout the body. We activate more of them when we have allergies or infections.
Mast cells trigger the symptoms of inflammation and the allergic response. They bring in the histamine.
The mast cells then start repairing tissues after the stressor (i.e., infection or allergen) is gone.
This is a normal process for the body.

However, with Mast Cell Activation syndrome, a lot of other triggers can cause them to release inflammation and histamine. They go hyperactive with bodily inflammation, as it were.

(Thus the fatigue and other symptoms. But I didn't want to claim that syndrome as my own. I insist that the body can heal itself, no matter what.)

The FLCCC front-line doctor group which has been the most proactive in seeking remedies for Covid, now states that "many consider post-COVID to be a variant of the mast cell activation syndrome."

Okay - next:
Almost immediately after my November 2021 histamine post, the Universe handed me my new task, which was to prevent potential kidney disease.
A surprise in routine blood work showed that my kidneys were functioning at only 50% (GFR 50), which is considered to be third stage kidney disease.
(What?? Function had been a normal 80 in 2018.)

Thankfully, within a few days after that scary lab work, I was scheduled to see my visceral manipulation therapist at And Breathe wellness center. (You may remember in August/September of 2020, she opened up my sticky lungs after Covid.)

Now (Nov '21) she found that my kidneys were stuck to the peritoneal wall and twisted a bit. The right kidney had somehow pulled away down low, out of its place, because of sticky fascia.
She brought my kidneys back to a normal position.
I then drank tons of water (and Emergen-C, on her advice).

Six days after the visceral treatment, my kidney lab work showed a magnificent improvement.
GFR was 88, compared to ten days earlier, when it was 50.
My kidneys were better than ever.
(I know, right?!? Kidney disease? NO, Thank you!)

Visceral Manipulation loosens up the fascia, which surrounds and encapsulates the organs and every part of the body like one big web.

A happy organ wants to be in its rightful place, gently moving in its own specific way, as it was designed to do.

As far as I'm concerned, Visceral Manipulation is a primary treatment after Covid.
I say this because the visceral therapists are finding that virtually everybody who had Covid (early version or Delta) has restrictions in their lungs and sometimes in other organs.
(Omicron does not seem to have that effect, say the therapists. But keep in mind, we are not a research team, and this is all personal observation.)

Now for a purely speculative thought.
Fibroblasts in the fascia also produce pro-inflammatory cytokines.
We remember that "cytokine storm" was part of the Covid process, causing tons of inflammation throughout the body. I'm not blaming just the fascia, because we have mast cells throughout the body, too, likely to go rogue after this crazy virus, to propagate inflammation.

But we can calm them and rebalance them back into alignment!

Keep your sunny side up!
The body is a self-repairing vehicle, if we give it what it needs.

We can and we will regain our good health!
It is happening for me - I feel great now, with a more supportive diet and good hydration.

Health and Vitality can happen for you!
Go for it!

How goes your healing journey? Please comment below.

(Full disclosure - I finished my histamine intolerance in November, and fully opened to the holidays, eating and drinking everything for the next 3 months. But then I fell back into histamine intolerance - back to a low-histamine diet now, with supplements I will do for 3 to 4 weeks. I'm feeling good, but I will be more careful about my food choices for some time. Give the body whatever time it needs. Organic veggies are filled with photons, and what could be better than eating tons of light?)

Find Visceral Manipulation practitioners near you. (On the list, confirm that they have training in Visceral Manipulation - and talk with them about your issue before scheduling.)

Drop Long Haul Covid Histamine Overload, Get my Groove back, and Feel Better
How to Repair Your Lungs after COVID - Visceral Manipulation

Doctor-recommended supplements for Long-Haul Covid
Histamine Intolerance suggested supplements from an expert who has lived it.


Diane Stallings RN does distance healing, EFT Tapping sessionsand/or Biofield Tuning on the phone or in-person, energy healing sessions, Chakra Balancing, and health coaching. She gives you practical ways to lift your wellbeing. Make an appointment in Phoenix or Fountain Hills or on the phone anywhere.

fascia tension Flicker Art of Contemporary Yoga - Copy

(Thanks to Flickr and Art of Contemporary Yoga for this fascia representation.)