Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy New Year! 

What a year it's been! Defined by a pandemic that has shaped our outlook, affected our emotions and changed the way we live. Hybrid has replaced work from home, masks and sanitisers have found a permanent place next to the wallets, fear has been replaced by resignation, and hope has been a tantamount force pushing us to take that next step even on the darkest day.

2021 was a year that forced us to witness a wave that snuffed out thousands of lives, threw into stark light (yet again) the socio-political and economic disparities of our societies and climate change became a harsh reality rather than just another input in textbooks. But 2021 showed us some glorious moments, too - that when we, the people, come together, we can save lives and make a difference.

Today, as we stand at the precipice of a new year, I can't not feel bad for 2022. Already the butt of jokes - you know the one where someone said 'it's going to be 202t00? The new year feels like that unborn heir, the descendent who has to battle the dark legacy of ancestors while driving the world into a brighter and hopeful future.

Perhaps I am naive when I choose to look at the brighter side of the year gone by but so be it. How can I not look back in gratitude when my loved ones are safe, when I know I have friends who've got my back, and I have you who read my musings.

2021 has been good - I've gone back to establishing myself as an independent content writer so if you know anyone willing to pay for words, I'm your girl! I've found my lost kitchen mojo - case in point Toasted Coconut & Date Balls, Pumpkin & Carrot Pasta (with Prawns), Spring Onion & Paneer Bhurji and the favourites - Date & Coconut Ice Cream and Plum + Rose Tea Payesh. For those who love their coffee, you must head over to my Instagram feed and check out Coffee Cake Dessert in a Glass, Spiced Citrus Coffee, Whisky-laced Coffee and some more boozy creations. I'm going to go all with tea in January so if you haven't yet, hit the follow on IG! 

I ticked two course of my must-do list - The School of New York Times' How to Think and Write Like a Critic and Film and Television Institute of India's Film Appreciation Course. That I hit the pause button on viewing in November after Squid Game and am devouring romance novels by the dozen is a story for another day. 

I could go on and on, but I know we've all got better things to do on this last day of 2021, so let this be my last few words for the year. I'm looking forward to ringing in the new year snuggled under my favourite quilt with my copy of (name of the book), a warm mug of hot chocolate on the side. And am sure you've got plans. 

So here's sending a whole lot of love and good vibes your way. May we meet again in 2022. And best of luck to 2022 and all of us who are looking at the new future with bated breath, even as the newspapers give an eerie sense of déjà vu.
Stay well, stay safe.

Rapti B
From The Corner Table
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