Here's what happened in my life over the past week:

  • My concentration is particularly crap-o-riffic this week. I try to read people's blog posts, and it's a bit like trying to read a bowl full of vegetable soup with the alphabet pasta letters. I wonder who ever came up with the idea for that soup...
  • JoAnn of The Sunstone Journal pointed out that she'd gotten a pingback from a sketchy blogger who'd stolen a post of mine in which I mentioned her. For all WordPress's shortcomings, they're very good about taking down plagiarized material promptly. Google, on the other hand, is useless at taking copyright-infringing things down on Google Sites.
  • I was all kinds of unimpressed when I ordered some hay for the piggoos to be delivered, and Fed Ex left two large boxes down in the building's lobby for me to haul upstairs. Given that I'm very slow and therefore not very mobile, that was not particularly fun. Amazon manages to deliver shit to my door every single time, so what the fuck, Fed Ex?
  • Peanut potato and Brownie are both on my shit list this week for being noisy at 4:00 in the morning. Peanut is damaging his teeth by biting on the cage wires, and Brownie is squeaking her little heart out. If I take Peanut out of the cage to shut him up, then Butternut decides that he should start chewing on the wires to prompt me to bring more celery, although they all know full well that celery will be forthcoming when I get up and go to the kitchen to make more tea. Mid-cup noisy interruptions are not welcome. They're cute and all, but STFU.
  • On a more positive note, my new book comes out this week!

On Thursday I asked about whether people believe in New Age ideas. Here are the survey results.

This video is of the girls running laps in their cage; turn up the volume to get the full effect. This isn't the greatest video, because if I were to move closer to them, they would stop frolicking. This is also not at peak frolic; that part happened before I started filming. They run so fast sometimes that they bounce off the corners of the cage. Brownie's the one flopping around like a stranded fish in the top left corner. The noise at the end is her sipping on her water bottle.

Perhaps I shouldn't mock people's religious goings-on, but this is absolutely hilarious (you'll want this at a much lower volume than the guinea pig video). The comments on Youtube are a riot, too. I especially liked this one: "These folks are ably represented by the guy who forgot his soap on the way to the bathroom, then forgot where the bathroom is. They're all lost..."

How has your week been?

Mental Health @ Home Books by Ashley L. Peterson - book covers
Mental Health @ Home Books by Ashley L. Peterson –
You can find them on my Amazon author page.