Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Isn't this wonderful to know that the Word of God will never pass away? We will always have God's Word. No matter what happens on this earth, the Word of God Will stand! We carry it in our heart and soul. We use it when we are fighting battles with the enemy. It protects us from danger, because it is alive and active. God's Word is very powerful. He spoke everything into being just by speaking His Words. Let us think about that. Let us ponder this Scripture and thank God for His wonderful, amazing, and absolute words of life.

What would we do without the Word of God? How would we fight our battles against the enemy who comes to still, kill, and to destroy? We would be in trouble without the Word of God. We armor ourselves with the Word of God so we can stand against the wiles of the Devil. This is why we are to stay prayed up. This is why we must stay in the Word of God. I taught my children about God and His Word. I taught them how to use His Word when they are faced with difficulties, and I also taught them how to praise Him in every circumstance they have to face. I taught them how to pray and thank God for everything.

The Word of God will never pass away. This world is going to pass away one day. Do you want to pass away with it? If not, while it is called today, go to God in prayer, repent of your sins, believe that Jesus died and rose again, that He is the one and only Son of God, and ask Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior forever. It does not matter where you are in your life, it doesn't matter what you have done in your life. The only thing that matters is where your soul will reside come judgement day. When you give and live your life for the Lord, you have eternal life forever with Him in heaven. Your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life. Your life is new, you are a new creation in Jesus Christ. Accept Him today while the blood is running warm in your veins. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. He knows you, and He loves you unconditionally. His love never fails. His love is everlasting and eternal. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He said that He would be with us even until the end of the age. Just know that He is here always. God bless you all, and stay safe. Thank you for following me on my journey with Food for the Soul.

God created this beautiful rose, but we all are His beautiful jewels. - Shaunelius S.