Blogging word cloud

Blog stats can be crazy-making if you get too caught up in them, but there are also some interesting tidbits of information you can find. This post will look at a few of them, ignoring competitive numbers like views because they're not the fun part.

I currently have 845 published posts, 36 drafts, and 25 scheduled posts. I have been quite enthusiastically deleting old posts and consolidating short posts into fewer longer posts. In total, I would guess I've probably published around 1500 posts since I started, but publishing every day for the last 3 1/2 years, there was a fair bit of crap and filler thrown in, and a lot of that's been chopped. I probably get as much satisfaction out of deleting as I do out of publishing.

Best days & months

My most popular day is currently Tuesday, which has been the case for much of my blogging history, although I have no idea why. My most popular time is 8am, but that would be because I publish almost all of my posts at 8am local time.

My best views ever was May 23, 2021, but that was only because I was using an SEO tool that actually showed up as views when it was crawling through my site (most of them don't). My best month for views and visitors was November 2020. Second best was October 2020. I guess people were stuck inside because of COVID and spent all their time on the internet. My WordPress-driven traffic has dropped a fair bit since then.

Word count

My average word count per post is 763. It was 633 when I started writing this post a couple of months ago. My total word count currently stands at around 660K.

When I first started blogging, my average was somewhere in the 550-600 range. It looks higher now, though, because I've gone back and deleted a lot of the shorter posts, and lengthened some other posts. Right now, my highest average length was 831 words/post in 2017, which was the year I first started blogging. That's only because the few posts I kept from that year were on the longer side. There were quite a few 300-400-worders that I've since trashed.


As for countries, WordPress is kind of annoying in that their map doesn't show the names when you hover the mouse over a country you haven't visited, which meant having to find another map for comparison.

I still needs some peeps in Svalbard (some islands owned by Norway), Niger, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Western Sahara, the Solomon Islands, North Korea, and Turkmenistan to step up to the plate and fill out my map, as well as probably a few other stragglers I can't pick out on the map.

Granted, the dictatorships in North Korea and Turkmenistan would probably throw anyone who managed to get internet access in jail for the rest of their lives, but priorities, people!

I'm pleased to report that my future husband in Kyrgyzstan has stopped by for a visit to the blog four times. The yurt doesn't usually have internet access. I'm also pleased that I got two views from Greenland, which adds a big-ass chunk of territory to my map. I also got a single view from Antarctica; while it's not shown on the map, that's all kinds of epic!

Is there anything strange or surprising in your stats that you'd care to share?

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