chocolate and hazelnut bars

These Chocolate and Hazelnut Bars should technically be made with walnuts, but I'm going through another one of those pantry purge phases again, and I'm not buying anything I don't have if I can make a clean swap for something I do have. Seriously, I want everything in my fridge and cabinets to go away. And also all the stuff that sits on my counter because I don't have enough space in my cabinets. Everything is giving me agita these days, but you are not here for complaining-- you are here for cookies!

Some of Dorie's cookies are more like cake that's been baked or cut into cookie shapes, and this is another example. She based the recipe on a torte she had in Rome once upon a time, and it's a separated egg and nut flour sponge with glaze on top. Cut it into bars and call it cookies! The recipe makes quite a large quantity, a 9x13 pan, so I cut it down to a third and baked it in a loaf for the two of us. The hazelnuts worked great here, as they are a natural combo with chocolate, and my glaze was really some homemade hot fudge sauce I have kicking around that was made with essentially the same ingredients. Be prepared to dirty every bowl and small appliance in your kitchen if you make these, but also be prepared for something very tasty.

For the recipe, see Dorie's Cookies by Dorie Greenspan. Don't forget to check out the rest of the TWD Blogroll!

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