Have we tried all the Merlots? No way!

The Wine Pairing Weekend Merlot Wine Pairing Archive
Our Wine Pairing Weekend writers have been signing the praises of Merlot in collaboration with the #MerlotMe producers every October for the last six years. This year, we'll continue our quest to raise the visibility of this fine grape in wine drinker's consciousness. Over the years we have paired Merlot with every kind of dish from virtually every part of the world. Looking for a new food to enjoy with your Merlot? Click on a few links below, you're sure to find a winner!

Here's What We Have Planned for #MerlotMe 2021
Join our group on Oct. 9, 2021 for a new set of foods paired with Merlot wines. Check out the list of new posts below. Then, join our Twitter chat all about Merlot on October 9 at 10am CDT. Just search for the #WinePW and #MerlotMe tags on Twitter.

A selection of Merlot Wines for #MerlotMe
Take your pick among a wide selection of Merlot wines

Need Some Inspiration? Our prior years posts form a complete #MerlotMe Cookbook!





Peju Merlot paired with Zuni Cafe Chicken



Duckhorn 3 Palms Merlot at the lake in a hammock
Or, you can just pair your Merlot with a lazy fall afternoon