Happy hump day, everyone 🙂 How is your week going thus far??? My week is going pretty good. Today, I thought I'd share a recent experience of mine with you. So, settle in for a good read, and enjoy 🙂

A couple of weeks ago, I saw that a third booster of the Pfizer vaccine was now available for certain groups of people. I immediately did some research, and found out that people who have compromised immune systems and those who are sixty-five years and older could get the booster shot. Due to my CP, my immune system is considered to be compromised. I talked with my Mom, and she agreed with me that I should look into getting a third vaccine. So, I made an appointment at a local CVS to get a booster. I believe that getting the booster will benefit me because I'm in contact with several people throughout my day. Furthermore, with the Delta variant being highly contagious, I thought it was best for me to get some extra protection against this dangerous virus.

It has been a few weeks since I received my booster vaccine. The process was very simple, and I was very pleased with the ease of getting it. Other than a mild case of the chills, and a sore arm for a few days, I had no reaction to the third shot. I'm very relieved that I was able to receive the booster. My chances of getting seriously ill have decreased even more than before the third shot. I'm pleased with the results.

I hope you've enjoyed this installment, and as always, please feel free to leave a comment. Have a fantastic afternoon, and I'll be back very soon with more food for thought 🙂