From the makers of Calm Harm comes yet another fantastic app! Clear Fear was created to help users manage anxiety and understand their thoughts and feelings.

Clear Fear home screen

The app teaches you, "The fear or threat of anxiety is like a strong gust of wind, it drags you in and makes you want to fight it or run away. Instead, face your fear, reduce the threat, and glide..."

When you set up your account, the app cues you to create a "safety net" to remind you skills to use and people to reach out to when you are having a hard time. I love this feature because it can be so difficult to remember in the moment what might help you.

Safety Net Setup

Skills offered to help you "clear your fear" include:

  1. Grit Box: inspirational quotes, both provided by the app and ones you create yourself.
  2. Anxiety Types: education about different forms of anxiety and diagnoses.
  3. Safety Net: safe people you can reach out to when you are having a hard time.
  4. Immediate Help: breathing activities for panic moments.
  5. Information: education about how to use the app, including tips for how to use it.
  6. Self-Monitoring: a journal to track your symptoms and work towards personal goals.
Coping skills options to "clear your fear"

This is a great tool to help with anxiety management, and those avatars are adorable!

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