Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is.....

2 teaspoons of Green Maeng Da and 2 teaspoons of White Maeng Da kratom.

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich with Tex Mex trail mix, iced green tea, assorted vitamins and painkillers on the side.

I feel like I actually got as close to a decent night's sleep that I've had since last year. You know, that feeling of closing your eyes sometime in the middle of the night and then, opening hem up and it's after 9 am..... it's daylight and more than 5 hours have passed. For me, that's a rare and sincerely precious thing. Most of the time, my sleep is made up of maybe an hour or 2 mashed together with some moments of sleep.

I actually feel sane today. It's hard for me to accurately get across how I mean that. Maybe saying that I don't feel like I"m going to jump out of my skin if someone comes up behind me or that if some small problem comes up, I feel capable of handling whatever it might be.

One sort of humorous thing that I've gotten out of this whole sleep thing is that I always seem to be playing "hide and seek" with the project that I'm working on, the hook I'm using and the glasses I'm wearing at the time. The past few nights, I've found my project bag (Gallon size storage bag) on the floor or tangled up in my blankets, hook usually ends up being on the floor next to the bed and I usually find my glasses under me, magically unbroken. I've tried going to bed without a project and I can't quite relax if I don't have that with me..... kind of like having a binkie or comfort object. Part of me is sort of embarrassed by this but.... hey, there are worse things. When I was a kid, I didn't suck my thumb but I did suck my right wrist. When I broke that at the grand old age of 9. I had to stop and nothing seemed to give me the same amount of comfort. I was a very insecure person when I was growing up.

Stay tuned......

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