Good Friday afternoon everyone 🙂 Have you had a good week this week??? I've had a pretty good week myself. Today, I'd like to share something very interesting with you. I sincerely hope you enjoy 🙂

A few weeks ago, I was scrolling Facebook, and happened to see an online article about the million dollar company, Apple. The article was about how the company is very close to improving their products with some interesting features. What sort of features, you ask??? Well, I'll tell you. The company has taken the saying, "thinking outside the box," and run with it. They have developed new features to allow differently abled people to be able to operate their Apple products. For example, people such as myself who are unable to type with their hands, and are non-verbal will be able to use eye-gaze software to access their IPads. Another great new feature will be voice-reconization software for people who have limited mobility of their limbs. There will also be Brail software for people who have vision impairments. I think that's an amazing thing that Apple has made their products more accessible to more than just able-bodied users. I'm not an Apple product user, but if I were one, I would definitely be grateful for the company's new insights into how to make their products more user friendly.

If you want to learn more about these fantastic features, the link to the article will be below. I personally think that Apple is doing a wonderful service for the differently-abled community. I know from experience that being able to access technology is a very encouraging for those who are somewhat limited in their mobility.

Feel free to leave a comment if you so choose. Enjoy your weekend, and I'll be back very soon with more food for thought 🙂