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Hiya everyone, hope you're OK. I've been MIA recently as I've recently been diagnosed with extensive blood clots in and around my groin. I've got 3 or 4 large clumps of clots in my femoral vein and external iliac... so at least one clump of clots made it into the big vein that goes back to your heart, which is scary. It's something called Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens, but from now on I'll call it PCD as it's easier! It's a rare, potentially life threatening version of DVT where you're dealing with large, deep clots.

I've been sharing quite a lot of my journey on my Instagram stories and I shared a brief overview on my Facebook page, but I wanted to get everything down in one place and share my story in the hopes of raising awareness. It's taken me almost a month to feel ready to share all of this because it's been hell. I've only shared absolutely everything with my husband and best friends... and some family. Although it turns out my business was shared with folk I haven't seen in years, as I want nothing to do with them, before I felt comfortable sharing. Now, I'm in a place to share it in public they can find out and gossip all they like. I'm not here for fake concern with people who only want to collect information, so they can chat rubbish about it.

This was an unprovoked clot, which means there's no reason for it, it just seems to happen. I don't have any of the risk factors of DVT. I'm only 30. Apparently some people just have blood which is more "clotty". However, I have since found out that there's a history of blood clots on both sides of my family.

I know I have EDS which causes a lot of joint pain, dislocations, subluxations, arthritis, hypermobility. It's a connective tissue disorder so there's a lot more to it. However, I am used to that pain and those flare ups and I can get through them. I never for one moment anticipated that I would get a blood clot. Even though I have joint issues, I'm active. I exercise 5 days a week and go for a walk every day usually.

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Annie N | September 30, 2021 at 1:49 pm | Tags: blood clot, deep vein thrombosis, DVT, health, PCD, phlegmasia cerulea dolens, recovery | Categories: Personal | URL: