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Food intake changes our output

When we want to achieve a healthy lifestyle food is not always the first we think about. We rather add in a daily walk or a workout aslong as our food can remain the same. Unfortunately that is not how it works.

What we eat influences how our body looks and how we feel. Working out can't beat unhealthy mindset on food. Eating healthy without "'working out" can be sufficient. That being said working out is the perfect supplement in addition to eating healthy. Food can suprisingly cover some decisions you made that weren't smart in the long run. For example if you decide you are going to stay up late before an important day tomorrow you can implement some foods that will improve your sleep. Eat an apple, a kiwi, nuts or some milks before going to bed. Regardless of your bedtime being postponed the food will make you sleep deeper and/or with less interruptions.

One should eat to live, not live to eat. - Moliere

Food can be tasty and enjoyable, but food is supposed to be covering your essential needs rather then being pure for the enjoyment. While we spend tons of money on our hobbies, on pleasure we rarely spend any to improve our health. Paying a little more for having a healthy meal instead of fast foods will help in the long run. It increases the monthly cost of food, but reduces the long term cost of medical treatment. At the same time it will improve your health level so instead of paying others to do things like gardening you can easily do them yourself and save some money that way.

If you currently don't feel like working out or temporarily got injured your food choices will keep you on track. If you ate bad while working out and are taking a break of working out you have to adjust your food intake. Less movement means less food or at least taking healthier options. Your food options will cover any problems you have or any future issues. Healthy food also includes your cheat meal from time to time. It allows your body to reset and recover mentally. Look for healthy food and see how you can implement it one shape or from to your life. Last but not least don't ever copy anyone's meal plan. You will not like what they eat and it may not even be what your body needs.



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