Hello everybody 🙂 It's Friday! Yay! What do you have planned for this weekend??? Anything exciting??? As of right now, I don't have anything planned yet. Since it's Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to do a birthday shout-out today. So, sit back, and enjoy 🙂

Two important people in my life are celebrating birthdays this weekend. One of those people is my second cousin, Clematine, and the other person is my best friend, Tiffany. Both of these people have made my life brighter in every sense of the word. They both make me laugh, they both have huge hearts, and they both make it impossible to be unhappy around them. I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would be like without these shining stars. It's true that Tiffany has been in my life a bit longer than Clemy has, but that doesn't mean that I don't love them equally. It has been a blessing to have them in my life, and I pray that we have many, many more years together.

Happy birthday Clemy! Happy birthday Tiffany! I love you both, and I hope both of your special days are filled with happiness and joy 🙂

Enjoy your fantastic weekend everyone, and I'll be back very soon with more food for thought 🙂