Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is........

2 Super Green Malay and 2 teaspoons of White Maeng Da kratom.

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich with a handful of Tex Mex trail mix, iced green tea, assorted vitamins and painkillers on the side.

I didn't sleep well again last night, mostly because it was stuffy and humid in my room. I'll be glad when the weather stays cool and dry for a while. the problem with living in the basement is that it takes a while for the cool temps to translate into the basement. Until then. I'll have to put up with not sleeping well.

I made a decision this morning that I'm going to walk around the house (the outside of the house) as many times as I can manage, up to maybe 15 times. I'm going to time myself tomorrow to see how many times in how many minutes I can walk around this house. I was sort of trying to walk fast this morning and I got tired too fast so I need to slow it down. Either that or build myself up to walking a certain amount of time. All I know is that I need to move my body every day in a meaningful way. If I don't, I will get so weak that I won't be able to even do simple tings anymore lie carry the laundry upstairs or even climb the stairs anymore. I was out of breath climbing the stairs this morning and that's too early for that to happen. I did have Spotify playing some tunes to walk by and that made it more fun.

Stay tuned.......

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