Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is.......

2 teaspoons of Green Bali and 2 teaspoons of White Maeng Da kratom.

Breakfast was a half a peanut butter sandwich with a handful of Tex Mex trail mix, iced green tea, assorted vitamins and painkillers on the side.

I had a hard time getting comfortable last night, to the point that I was sweating up a storm around 3-5 am and could only manage to doze off here and there. I ended up getting up around 8 am because I just couldn't cool off and Hershey decided that he was going to be a Velcro cat. I love my cat but when it comes to sleeping, he needs to find somewhere else to sleep.

I have something to look forward to today. My gua sha stone will be here today. Used with oil or lotion, I can massage my face and neck to help my lymphatic system rid itself of toxins, help to open my sinuses and help my ears drain more efficiently. All from a little stone.... who knew? I can't wait to use it. I noticed this morning that when I use the squeezy bottle to rinse my sinuses, I get water in my ears if I don't tilt my hear the correct way (which is most of the time). Then, I'm hearing gurgling and sloshing most of the day. Eventually, it goes away but sometimes, hang around and I have to use ear wax cleaner which helps to dry the water up.

I got outside to take some pics of the back yard this morning.

A sad pic of some of our fallen comrades.

I urged Joe to just move them to the feet of their still standing brethren as their remains will help to give the remaining ones strength (fertilization).

The remaining few.

Some of them seem to have good heads on them so we might still get some seeds out of them.

The lone sunflower seems to be doing okay other than his drooping head.
This is more or less where I want to garden to be next year.

Of all the sides of the house that gets sun, this is the best area to do it. Especially in early summer, this side gets great sun from late morning up until evening. It'll take a while to get it set up but that's what all those boxes are for..... weed barriers. We also have landscaper's plastic, which works well too. I just want to kill as much grass as possible so next year won't be a year of fighting the sodding.... sod. I think we can leave the weigela bush and the peonies there as there's plenty of space for everything else. If things go right, I won't have to open up that much ground anyway. I need to make a schematic.....

Oh, almost forgot.....

We have a few green beans!!!!

And the peppers......

So far, I'm counting 5 peppers that are bigger than my thumb. . I didn't take a long look but I think there might be more flowers.

I honestly didn't stay out long this morning because my sinuses were bothering me a lot and the ground was slippery due to lots of dew and slippery leaves. I don't like falling.

Stay tuned.....

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