Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is.......

2 teaspoons of Green Maeng Da and 2 teaspoons of White Borneo kratom.

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich and a handful of Tex Mex trail mix.

Even though I had a crappy night's non sleep, I'm feeling surprisingly good. I got up later than I usually do (10 am ish) but I'm already on my 2nd load of laundry, Joe and I have worked out, I ditched my first freestyle attempt to make my own home made antibiotic (I added too much cayenne pepper....) and I'm planning my dinner (spinach cheese pizza.... thin crust).

I somewhat attribute my feeling good to the antibiotic.... sort of. I had some early this morning when my nose started to get stuffy. The overkill of cayenne did a great job of getting rid of that but it also woke me up so far that I couldn't really get back to sleep so I worked on my Felici granny square and got it almost finished. I completed the square this morning, just a little while ago.....

My latest Felici square done in Mixed Berries, an older colorway of Felici.
Group shot!

Top row, from left to right....

Raspberry Beret, Cloudy With A Chance Of Rainbows, Endless Summer, Goth Kitty.

Bottom row, left to right....

Present, Martinique, and Mixed Berries.

I'm sort of excited about making the new batch of 'antibiotic' as I want it strong enough so it will open my sinuses (always an issue for me) but not take the roof of my mouth off and taste good too. I'm going to make another version that's kept in the fridge and is simply 1/2 raw honey, 1/2 unfiltered ACV with turmeric, black pepper and a few other spices/ingredients thrown in. That one tastes like sweet mustard (due to the ACV and the turmeric). I'm going to alternate days that I take them and see how I do on any given day.

Hopefully, I won't nod off too much today.

Stay tuned.....

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