These Vegan Chocolate Chip Flapjacks are something you can throw together easily to satisfy that craving for something sweet! Dairy free as well as vegan, they're versatile too as you can add in nuts, seeds or raisins!

These Vegan Chocolate Chip Flapjacks are something you can throw together easily to satisfy that craving for something sweet! Dairy free as well as vegan, they're versatile too as you can add in nuts, seeds or raisins!

Hi everyone, hope you've had a good few weeks. I can hand on heart say the last two weeks have been absolutely horrific for us. I'm excited to share these Vegan Chocolate Chip Flapjacks with you... But first, I'll try and explain where I've been and the absolute mad situation we've been living. It's a long crazy story, but I'll try and condense it.

SO... 4 years after losing our dear Poppy, I finally felt ready to get another dog. My husband has been ready for longer than me, but I finally got there. We wanted to rescue as there are so many dogs in rescues needing a forever home.

We had both been following this particular rescue for a few years, had had a look into them and they had good reviews and seemed to be a good rescue helping save dogs from dire situations. They were holding a meet and greet with some of their dogs, so we decided to go. Honestly? If I could go back now, we wouldn't go to the meet and greet. As much as that hurts to say, it would have saved so much heart ache.

We fell in love with a 6 month old puppy at the meet and greet. At that time I didn't know it was the founder, but the founder was trying to push us to take him the same day and also adopt another dog. We said we had nothing, so needed to prepare and buy stuff. She was then trying to sell us second hand crates/leads etc. so we could take him. We still said no, we weren't prepared. After we had signed the adoption form, it came to light that actually the puppy we were adopting had only been in the country 24 hours.

They said he'd been assessed and was great with cats, dogs and people. But again.. he had been in the country 24 hours in a kennel with his littermates, so how could they have properly assessed him? If only we knew then what we know now.

Let me just say now, we did not go into this blinkered. We knew having a rescue puppy would be hard work. We were fully prepared for that. However, what has transpired in the 2 weeks since picking him up has been beyond what either my husband or I could imagine.

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