Story # 13, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is far from self's favorite, why then has she been stuck reading it for a full day?

Anyhoo, Feathertop the scarecrow has been dressed up in fine clothing, has been taught how to smoke a pipe, and is directed by his fond creator (a witch) to go about. He immediately bewitches the prettiest girl in the village, who fancies herself in love with him. Alas, they happen to walk past a mirror, the girl glances at it, and sees -- she is walking with a SCARECROW! A SCARECROW! A SCARECROW! She faints.

A figure burst headlong into the cottage door . . . It was Feathertop!

"What has gone wrong?" demanded the witch. "Did yonder sniffling hypocrite thrust my darling from her door? The villain! . . . Did the girl scorn my precious one? . . . I'll cover her face with pimples! Her nose shall be as red as the coal in thy pipe! Her front teeth shall drop out!"

Stay cool, dear blog readers. Stay cool.