Rosemary & Olive Oil Bagels - Classic bagel dough is speckled with fresh rosemary leaves and a drizzle of olive oil and baked to make for an incredibly flavorful, chewy breakfast treat.

close up of rosemary and olive oil bagel filled with cream cheese

Every once in a while, a new food will pop into my life and change me forever. One of those foods for me from the last 5 years was a Rosemary & Olive Oil Bagel. A friend of mine got me one from a popular bagel chain and it blew me away. It was so fragrant and herby that it was almost intoxicating. I could stick my head in a bag full of those smells and be happy forever.

This bagel was so surprising to me because I generally am only mildly impressed by rosemary. We had a rosemary bush at my home growing up so we used rosemary a lot. As such, it wasn't anything new to me. But I had never had it in bread before. We used it with chicken or in stuffing. But never homemade bread.

After having it in these bagels and in my favorite focaccia recipe, I am convinced that bread and rosemary were meant to be together. Rosemary elicits a warm, comforting smell that just works with the equally comforting bread. My husband calls that smell "Christmas", and I can't say I disagree with him.

Because of my love for these bagels, I just had to make them myself. I perfected my basic bagel recipe a couple years ago so I used that as my base for this recipe. I simply added in some fresh rosemary leaves and extra virgin olive oil to transform that recipe in to my version of Rosemary & Olive Oil Bagels.

Before we get into the recipe, here are some photos of these beauties!

overhead shot of rosemary and olive oil bagels with cream cheese off to the side and rosemary leaves for garnish
clsoe up of rosemary and olive oil bagel and some rosemary leaves for garnish
rosemary and olive oil bagel sandwiched with cream cheese sitting atop other bagels

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Sharon | August 23, 2021 at 8:27 am | Tags: bagels, breakfast, olive oil, rosemary | Categories: bread, breakfast | URL: