I bet you can't guess what we will be doing once these hot and humid days are gone! Two dump trucks full of mulch (14 cubic yards) and more than three months after ordering it, I finally got my mulch. I contacted the place that delivered this in early May. When they didn't bother delivering or calling me back I called another supplier. They didn't answer their phone or bother to call me back so I called a third place and they wouldn't answer their phone either.

Isn't it sad that these businesses have nobody to work for them and they are unable to even answer a phone let alone provide a service. When I was young and working, we were told the customer is always right, a phone never rang more than twice and it never went to the recorder (Yes we had recorders back then).

We had some work done on our foundation and the contractor told me we have to wait almost two months to get the driveway concreted even though the actual problem has been repaired. I haven't paid for the concrete yet so I called a concrete company 2 miles down the road from us and they never answered the phone or bothered to call me back. I called another contractor that does concrete work and he told me the job was too small and if I have other concrete work to do he will look at it. He told me it would cost $2,000.00 to concrete this! It will be under $700.00 from my original contractor, so he obviously didn't want the job and wanted to blow me off by the outrageous price. So I give up, they win and I will wait until mid September to get it concreted (If it doesn't rain that day) the same as I waited for the mulch.

Image from Red Lobster website.

My husband took me to Red Lobster for my birthday in May. They only had about 10 tables filled with customers and they said it would be a 15 minute wait and as soon as somebody left we could have their table. We sat down and the waitress said to be patient because she was the only waitress. We assured her we weren't in a hurry. We ordered the Lobster Pizza appetizer and it was delicious. She brought the garlic biscuits and I asked for a plate. She told us there are no clean plates and there is nobody to wash them because everyone quit and that we have to use a napkin. She said there were two managers doing the cooking, which is why the biscuits were so terrible that we pushed them to the side. We eat here frequently and know how the food tastes, normally. What we were served was not their normal and I don't know if I will ever go back.

We live in a tourist area and every business has help wanted signs and most restaurants have closed or they have closed the inside service, only offering pick up or drive thru food.

Is this happening where you live? Please tell me what you are going through and how businesses have changed where you live.

Are you on the other side of this and have a business that is having trouble keeping employees? Let's hear your side of these difficult times. I am sure it is more frustrating for you than it is for the customers. I feel so bad for all business owners.


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