I've just paid for the insurance for my craft booth on Labor Day.

I'm catching up on the inventory I need for my first craft fair ever.

I have no idea how much inventory I need for my first craft fair ever.

I have no idea why I have to purchase insurance for six hours of sitting in the hot sun under a canopy smiling, chatting, sharing, and shaking from nerves.

Needless to say, I'm a nervous wreck. And I've still got four weeks to go.

How do you deal with a persistent case of nerves?

I imagine everyone goes through the same anxiety highs and lows before any event: giving a speech or presentation at the office; reading your latest writing out loud to fellow writers; teaching a class; preparing for an intense discussion with someone.  There's all sorts of things  in our lives that make our stress needle go off the charts.

I'm so afraid I'll forget something. Not do something. Say the wrong thing. I'm afraid that an Angel Tear will fall apart in someone's hand.

I'm interested to hear your scare stories. How they developed, how you dealt with them. How you (hopefully) lived happily ever after despite the breakdown you created for yourself.

I believe that none of us would truly take on a project if we didn't think we could handle it. Speaking in front of others, teaching someone something, writing something for work  or school -- there are a million things we do every day that leave room for judgment and performance.

We all make it through our experiences. With a bit of luck, and talent and a positive attitude, we have fun along the way, too.

There's only one way to go -- forward. Might as go that way smiling …