If you are looking for a healthier but super delicious treat then this is the one for you. It use a few ingredients you may not have head of before but it is defiantly worth a go.

Prep Time:10 - 15 Mins

Cook Time: 20- 25 Mins

Portions:12 Muffins


  • 140g Xylitol (a sugar alternative) or Caster Sugar
  • 180g Plain Flour
  • 20g Cocoa Powder
  • 100g 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt
  • 2 Eggs
  • 140g Melted Butter
  • 250g Grated Courgette (Approximately 3 courgette)

Equipment you will need

  • Large Bowl
  • Small Bowl
  • Spatula
  • Grater
  • Kitchen Paper
  • Muffin Tine
  • Muffin Cases


  • First you need to preheat your oven to `180c and get your muffin tin ready with your muffin cases
  • Now you can get making your batter. So take your courgette and grate on to your kitchen paper then squeeze as much water our of your grated courgette as you can then put this into your small bowl and put to one side
  • Now take your large bowl and mix together your yoghurt, eggs, xylitol or sugar and melted butter
  • You can now add your dry ingredients (Flour and coco powder) and grated courgette and mix together
  • Now your batter is done you can fill your muffin cases and bake for 20 - 25 mins until a knife comes out clean, then enjoy!

Top Tips

  • Don't worry if you can't find Xylitol as normal caster sugar will still work fine

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