Monday, August 2, 2021

Are you still on the fence about eating this?

Hi there we

"I will eat whatever you make but please not TOFU! I don't like it!"

This was KR a couple of months ago!

Actually, that was also me a couple of months ago. both of us have slowly been warming up to Tofu. It's not bad after all!

My favorite Tofu recipes

If you are totally new to tofu or aren't a fan of it, I suggest you start with Grilled Tofu first. It's simple, packed with flavors and ama-zing to taste! The garlic infused marinade works wonderfully with Tofu. Try it NOW!

If you know me by now, you should know how much I love noodles! Adding Tofu to noodles is a great way to enjoy them. They make the noodles more hearty, and up the protein quotient and taste.

Try this Thai Basil Stir-Fry Noodles for dinner and you can thank me later!

I call Tofu the cousin of Paneer. While Paneer is made from dairy, Tofu is soy protein. Their textures are very similar but paneer has more flavor by itself when compared to tofu.

With Tofu, you need to cook it with strong flavors and it will soak it all up.

For vegetarians there's Paneer Tikka Masala, but I also wanted to create something similar for vegans and that is how Tofu Tikka Masala was born.

But HANDS DOWN, my current favorite Tofu recipe has to be this Tofu Makhani Bake! The creamy Makhani sauce baked with Tofu block along with veggies is just the kind of lazy weekend meal I would love to have.

In fact, in this post, I have also shared how to use a Tofu press to remove the excess water from the Tofu. Do check it out.

I promise to add more Tofu recipes on the blog that are fun to make and of course delicious to taste. Please drop me an email or reach out on social media if there's a specific recipe you'd like me to feature.

Lastly, do reply to this email and let me know which tofu recipe you found the most interesting in here. :)


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