Happy hump day everyone 🙂 How is your week going so far??? For today's blog post, I would like to share something with you that I think you'll find very interesting. Sit down, relax, and settle in for a good read 🙂

Over the past several weeks, I have found something new out about myself. Well, it isn't exactly new new, but it has made itself more apparent over the past few weeks. You see, with the type of CP that I have, I have what's called involuntary movement. Involuntary movement is movement that I cannot control. With involuntary movement comes the occasional accidental scratch or bruise that I inflict on myself. It is not my intention to scratch or bruise myself at all, I have no control over my movements. It has become clear to me that I need to find a solution to this problem. I have found that if I put a sock or mitten on my hands, I don't inflict any damage to my knees. That's a great thing because my knees have been under attack by my fingernails throughout my life. Lol 😀 With my hands covered, I don't have to worry about hurting myself or others. I have come to the conclusion that having that protection gives me some peace of mind, and I love that! It makes my day less stressful, and I know that I won't cause unintentional wounds to my body.

I hope that you have found this installment informative. Please feel free to leave a comment if the feeling strikes you.

Enjoy the rest of your day, and I'll be back very soon with more food for thought 🙂