Jude, of the beautiful Cornish based blog 'Travel Words' hosts the Life in Colour 2021 challenge; July's colour is blue. For details, click here.

Air and Water

Vincent Van Gough:

"I never get tired of the blue sky."

Blue skies at The Oaks

Downs Blues:

Clear winter blue sky; great walks on the South Downs.

Blue reflections:

Watery winter blue reflections at the local Newdigate fishing lakes

Blue is said to be the most popular 'favourite' colour, signifying trust, dependence, authority, cool calm scenery and infinity.

Garden blues

The sight of the trusty old tractor is a happy blue

Dancing the blues in the garden!

Local blues

Graham Joyce:

"The bluebells made such a pool that the earth had become like water, and all the trees and bushes seemed to have grown out of the water..."

Walking the blues

After yellow, Spring is blue: We're spoilt for choice with miles of bluebell walks nearby!

Horsham Blues

The everyman cinema, blue stars in our annual Ameri-car-na festival, blue lights at Christmas.

Holiday blues

Moncy Barbour:

"Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time."

Beach blues in Varadero, Cuba.

Treasured blues to hold onto

Memories of banishing the blues 🙂


In September 2020, my youngest daughter's eagerly anticipated start at 'proper' school (Reception) eventually arrived. Longing to sit at desks and 'work', she was soon frustrated; full of the 'blues' & bemoaning the fact that 'all they do is play and then clear up'. She clearly hadn't heard the eminent child psychologist Jean Piaget's phrase 'play is child's work'. For her playing at home was fun, reading, writing, numbers and grown up work was what she'd been so looking forward to at 'school'!

So we struck a deal - she'd go to school for the morning, and I would pick her up for 'real work' after lunch. At the time we'd just moved into a huge derelict Victorian house, in a very sorry state of disrepair... plenty of work there for me. On the day this picture was taken, over 20 years ago, she put down the encyclopedias that she usually spent the afternoon with, and joined me with the afternoon's task: painting the bedroom she shared with her sister, in a choice blue - sporting her favourite blue knitted beanie and blue school smock.

Happy days - wiping the blues of a morning at nursery school away with an afternoon of 'proper work'!

John Lennon:

"The sun is up, the sky is blue.
It's beautiful,
& so are you."