Are you in your 30s enjoying life to its fullest? You may have a great job, experience, wisdom, family, and everything nice.

But despite some amazing reasons to celebrate your 30s, it's also the time you should be concerned about your health. You must know that after your 30s, you may have increased sensitivity to certain foods, which can be detrimental to your health. Therefore, you need to avoid these foods after your 30s.

Let's take a closer look at some of the foods you should avoid after your 30s.

Flavored Yogurt

Do you satisfy your sweet cravings with the "all-natural" flavored yogurts?

Then maybe it's to change the habit.

Because a small, 8-ounce serving of this natural-looking sweet dessert contains as much as 47 grams of sugar. At the same time, the recommended quantity of sugar for men is 38 grams, whereas it's 25 grams for women.

So if you really want to satisfy your sweet tooth, try purchasing fruits and yogurt separately and mix them in a bowl at your home so you can enjoy the "all-natural" dessert without all the added sugar.

Artificial Sweeteners

Do you often replace sugar with artificial sweeteners?

While artificial sweeteners are great to preserve taste, they can be more damaging than sugar. One of the potential side effects of relying on artificial sweeteners is that you may end up eating more. That's because since the taste is similar, you continue to enjoy what you are eating and end up consuming more. Moreover, studies indicate that consuming artificial sweeteners can also make you feel hungrier.

There are other possible side effects; however, more research is required to verify the link between the potential side effects and the use of artificial sweeteners.

Packaged Juices

Once you hit 30, a lot of changes start taking place in your body. And it's around the same time you should be extra cautious about the amount of sugar you consume every day. While you may already be cutting on sugar itself, there are so many other sources of sugar that you need to identify and cut down on. Packaged juices are one of them.

In fact, they are the worst drinks for your body. They are loaded with sugar. Moreover, they are pasteurized, which kills all the important nutrients of fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, they are deprived of fiber which slows down the absorption of sugar in the blood. So at the end of the day, as you consume a glass of packaged juice, you are not getting anything but only sugar. A 240 ml cup of packaged juice contains 20-26 grams of sugar.


Are you in love with the baked delicacies?

But you should avoid cookies and other commercially baked foods after your 30's. They contain a lot of sugar, but more importantly, they are made using hydrogenated oil, which is a bad type of fat for your heart. It contributes towards increasing your LDL (the bad cholesterol) and can significantly contribute to your risk of cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks.

But that doesn't mean you can't bake at home. Bake your favorite cookies at home and enjoy them with your loved ones because you are likely to rely on healthier fats and lesser sugar.

Processed Meats

Whether it's a sausage, hot dog, bacon, or anything else, all processed meats are loaded with preservatives and sodium. Consuming too much sodium can significantly increase your risk of hypertension, leading to damage to your blood vessels and the entire cardiovascular system.

Moreover, they contain nitrates that help them retain their color for longer, but the effects of the chemical can be detrimental to your body. Nitrates can convert into nitrites and result in the formation of nitrosamines which is carcinogenic. Several studies have verified the link between excess consumption of processed meats and various health conditions, including cancer.

Pre Packaged Meals

Similar to processed meats, prepackaged meals contain too much sodium and preservative. Moreover, they are loaded with calories and unhealthy fats. While they may be a convenient lunch or dinner option for your busy schedule, know that it's one type of food you should avoid after your 30's so you can stay healthy.


Do you know which food can give you around 300 calories and no nutrition?

It's a bagel. It's delicious, handy, and filling. But it doesn't provide any fiber or other nutrients. All it contains is a lot of salt. Even a whole wheat bagel can provide you with 565 mg of sodium, around 25% of the daily sodium limit for adults.

So bagel is something you should definitely avoid after your 30s.

Potato Chips

Last on the list is potato chips! It may your favorite snack growing up, and it's likely that you still enjoy them, but here is something about potato chips that you should know.

They are often made of olestra, a substitute of fat that may not be harmful itself but can deprive your body of essential antioxidant nutrients and increases the risk of various health conditions and premature aging.

And this brings an end to the list of foods that you should avoid after your 30's so you can enjoy a long and healthy life ahead.