Apoffee pies: just like little banoffee pies, but with apricots!

I am a huge fan of any recipe with dulce de leche and I also LOVE banoffee pie! I intended to actually make little banoffee tartlets but then I thought, hold up - it's June! Time to get more seasonal. Step in the apricots and the creation of the apoffee pie!

I'd never associated apricots with caramel before but it's a combination that works so well together: the tanginess from the compote mixed with the sweetness from the dulce de leche, topped with the light mascarpone cream - it tastes just amazing!

I highly recommend making your own dulce de leche from sweetened condensed milk (I've shared the link to the method in the ingredients list below). My tip would be to make a few cans at a time to make it worth your time and to have a little stock, you know, for those days when you run out of dulce de leche ;)!

I hope you enjoy!

RECIPE (makes three 10cm tartlets):


Biscoff crust
200g biscoff biscuits
60g melted butter
Apricot compote:
4 medium-sized apricots
2 tbsps water
1tsp vanilla essence
Dulce de leche:
1 can of dulce de leche. Shop-bought or homemade using this method.
(4.5 tbsps dulce de leche – 1.5 tbsps per tart)
Mascarpone cream topping:
40 g mascarpone cheese
1tbsp dulce de leche
25 g condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
80 g heavy cream


Biscoff crust:
Using a food processor, blitz all of the biscuits to a fine crumb and mix in the melted butter. Using your hands, press the crumb mixture into the sides and base of three 10cm loose-bottomed tartlet tins. Make sure that the sides are thick enough to hold once removed. Leave to set in the fridge once done.

Apricot compote:
Remove the pits from the apricots by gently tearing the fruit in half. Add the pitted apricot halves, vanilla essence and water to a medium saucepan and stir gently to combine.
Cook the mixture on medium low heat until the the apricots begin to release their juices and start to get a little mushy. Take off the heat and set aside to cool down in the pan.
Mascarpone cream topping:
Put mascarpone cream, condensed milk, dulce de leche in the mixer bowl and whip well.
Add heavy cream and vanilla to the mixer bowl. Keep whipping until the mixture is smooth and firm. (Be careful not to over whip). Scrape the sides of the bowl now and then. Transfer the frosting into a pastry bag fitted with a smooth nozzle tip.
Putting it together:
1.       Take the cool tart shells out of the fridge
2.       Add around 1.5 tbsps of the apricot compote into each tart shell
3.       Heat the dulce de leche in 10 second bursts in the microwave so that it gets to a "spreadable" consistency – it should not be hot and runny! Spread around 1.5 tbsps of the dulce de leche on top of the apricot compote in each tart shell.
4.       Pipe little mounds of the mascarpone cream on top, starting from the edge and moving inwards.
5.       Top with fresh apricot slices and pansy petals.
6.       Enjoy!

Did you try out this recipe? Any questions? Any feedback? Would love to hear from you!

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