Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is.....

2 teaspoons of Super Green Malay and 2 teaspoons of White Maeng Da kratom.

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich with a spare handful Tex Mex trail mix.

Yeah, another not so good night. I'm almost to the point of giving up on trying to figure out what's triggering me because there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it. I"m just going to try going with the flow and see where that gets me. It's like, I get a few hours of light sleep, I wake up and I'm raring to go even though I know that I only slept a short amount of time. I know this isn't at all healthy for me and I"m heading for a heart attack or stroke, no matter what teas or supplements I take or what healthy foods I eat. I've tried to just relax and go back to sleep but some little thing like my nose is a little stuffed up or I'll start to feel my throat hurting or my mouth is dry or I need to use the bathroom and after that, I tense up or I just fully wake up and that's it.... no more sleep for me. I have noticed that it has gotten worse since the hot/humid weather has gotten here. I'll probably lay down here in a bit.

I did end up watering this morning and for the rest of the season, I'll probably water the grow bags and the potted plants. I"m making a point of picking up the grow bags to feel how heavy they are because I can't go by how dark the soil is to determine how badly they need watering. I think that's why the toy choy hasn't been doing that great and why the catnip and dill are wilting. So.... I watered everything really well. I'm probably going to need about couple of those white containers to fill up with water so I can give all the plants a good watering in the morning.

It's not supposed to be as hot today and the rain that was supposed to be here this afternoon has been pushed back until this evening. I might give them another watering this evening if it's not raining by the time Joe and I get done running errands.

So far, everything looks pretty good except for the toy choy but even that is starting to perk up a little since I'm watering more often. I was slacking on that, only watering every other day, which was a mistake that I won't make again.
Zukes and sunflowers.

It's kind of a little thrill seeing the sunflowers growing a little bit each day. I can even see the zucchini growing, peaking out over the edge of the grow bag. This is my reward for taking care of them.... seeing them grow and hopefully, having a good harvest.... eventually.

My morning visit from Blissie.

Other than running errands later with Joe and possibly watering the garden (again), I have no plans to do anything. I would like to do more practice painting. I need a lot of practice. I know I'll never be good enough to be a professional painter but I'd like to at least paint something worthy of being framed and put up on the wall here at home.

Stay tuned.....

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