Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is......

2 teaspoons of Green Thai and 2 teaspoons of White Maeng Da kratom.

Breakfast was a whole peanut butter sandwich with a few handfuls of Tex Mex trail mix.... I have it, I'm eating it then so why not write it down?

Comparatively, I had a decent night's sleep last night. According to the app on my phone, I slept over 5 hours last night, over 1 1/2 hours was deep sleep, only 16 minutes of it was I awake for. I don't know if it's sad that I'm now considering 5 hours of sleep to be an awesome thing or if it's just rolling with the changes. It wasn't all that long ago when I used to feel that less than 6 was a sleep deficit. I'm going to go with me being flexible and rolling with the changes (pauses to listen to REO Roll With The Changes). Good song. Joe and I saw them live when they were touring with Def Leppard.... a couple of times.

Anyway...... where was I..... oh yeah, I ended up getting up later than I usually do and the best part is that despite me waking up with stomach acid in my throat and coughing up a lung, I didn't feel any anxiety at all. I felt so comfy (other than the obvious coughing) that I wanted to stay in bed and watch Star Trek (I turned my TV back on while I was coughing and blowing my nose). The lack of anxiety was probably the best part of how I woke up this morning. I'm still feeling the happiness of not being in Anxiety's grip this morning.

The other thing that I'm happy about today is that, while I was on my 'rounds' this morning outside, I felt no anxiety and the best part was that I wasn't feeling light headed or out of breath. I usually, at some point in time, feel out of breath or light headed but not this morning.

As far as the garden goes, everything looks good. I'm giving some thought to moving the garden.... with it being so hot and humid, maybe having them in dappled shade part of the day would be a good idea for the leafy greens. I don't want them to bolt due to the hot weather. It's already (89 degrees.... feels like 104!!!). I've watered them really well and started hydrating the empty grow bags so I can possibly plant them today or tomorrow.

Look at those beans!!!! There's even a new one coming up right next to the sign!

I know that beans are probably the easiest plants go grow but I can't help feeling thrilled at how fast these are coming up. Same with zucchini and peas. Easy to germinate, easy to grow in general but I still can't help feeling excited about it.

Look at all that lovely lettuce!

I'll probably start harvesting leaves off of those in a week, maybe less. I just don't want to take them too soon and then, I'll end up hurting them.

I think I was forgetting to water my toy choy.

Yeah, I noticed that all of the grow bags needed watering so I gave them all a good, long drink (well, as long as I could). I'd love to have a plastic container big enough that, in the event of me being a dumbass and forgetting to water my grow bag garden, that I could just fill the container with water and let them soak for a while. Barring that, I just water a little, go to the next one, water a little, go to the next one, until I've hit them all, then go back about 5 more times until they all look like they've had enough and are well hydrated.

A nice surprise this morning of a flowering Hosta.

I really need to pay more attention to that area.... there's a big bunch of violets in the lower left hand corner of the picture above that needs to be taken out, as well as next to the front step. I'll just add that to the 'to do' list in my head.

I need to figure out where to hang the herbs to dry. I need to start harvesting the herbs (basil, catnip, dill, oregano mostly and maybe some chives. Tongue in cheek, I noticed that when I water them, they don't turn brown so I might as well harvest those too and hang them to dry. Or ask Joe to order me one of those solar dehydrators. There's one that only costs $20, a bigger one for $30 so.... we'll see. I don't want to wait too long, otherwise, they'll go to flower and all this work will have been for nothing.

Stay tuned......

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