Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is......

2 teaspoons of Green Maeng Da and 2 teaspoons of White Sunda kratom.

Breakfast was a whole peanut butter sandwich with iced green tea, assorted vitamins and painkillers on the side. I also had a small amount of the evil trail mix (Great Value Tex Mex trail mix). For some reason, the spicy goes so well with the sweet/salty of the peanut butter....

I'm actually shocked that I'm in such a decent mood this morning. I didn't sleep as well as I'd hoped that I would. I only got a few hours of sleep last night. I can't pinpoint what got me jacked up but one minute, I was boiling, the next, I was thirsty, then racing heart, or that I just couldn't get comfortable. Mostly, the first part of the night, I was afraid of having more reflux (I didn't) so now, at least I know that the trail mix was the culprit all along these past few weeks. I'm sad because it tastes so damned good. It hits the spicy/salty/umami notes that I crave most of the time. Also the large amount of nuts in that mix was perfect. I'll still keep it on hand but I'll just have to be strict with myself about eating it after 12 noon or something.

I decided that I'm going to move my leafy greens/veggie grow bag garden to a sunnier spot. I don't think they're doing as well as they could be doing. I watered today and even though I'm pleased with how everything is doing, it could be better.

I think this one has mostly kale and swiss chard.

I'm so happy with this particular grow bag. It seems that the snails and slugs haven't been bothering this one yet. The grow bag that has the lettuces in it is doing well too. Hopefully, in the next week or 2, I can start harvesting leaves from them. I'm so looking forward to that. And I figured out what I'll do with the last 2 pots.... sow more leafy green seeds. I don't see a lot of arugula coming up and I want enough swiss chard, kale and other greens so I can make some sort of pesto type sauce and either freeze it or can it. I know I won't have enough basil this year to do much more than dry it for use in seasoning food.

While I was out this morning, Blissie kept me company....

Blissie just giving me a drive by hi.

I have to admit that I'm growing to really love early mornings now. With the weather being pretty dang hot during the majority of the day, it's hard for me to get out and do anything. I'm determined to take care of the garden and either early morning or evening shortly before sunset are the only times that the temps are cool enough for me to work in. Early morning gets my vote because there's less insect problems. When I was doing stuff in the evenings, I got all bit up on my legs. I still have bite marks. Plus, early morning, it's so quiet and peaceful, I feel like I have the whole world to myself and I don't feel as self conscious as I do later in the day. Once I get the garden situated the way I want it, I'm going to focus on pruning stuff and generally tidying up the yard as best I can.

I moved the pole beans to the back yard and tomorrow, I'll move the zukes and the peas too. I didn't do the big 'move everything' this morning because I wanted to get everything watered really well. I still need to figure out the best place.

Stay tuned.......

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