Good morning! Today's first kratom dose of the day is......

2 teaspoons of Green Bali and 2 teaspoons of White Borneo kratom.

Breakfast was half a peanut butter sandwich with assorted vitamins and painkillers on the side.

What could easily have been a horrible night and morning is possibly one of the best (so far). Even though the app that goes with my fitness tracker says that I slept less than 4 hours and I woke up with horrible, horrible reflux, I'm feeling pretty good. Not 100% or even 90% but I'm a lot better than I have been. I was up most of the night either because I was too warm or the reflux was active or Anxiety was tugging at me in one direction or another.

Out of that less than 4 hours sleep, I got almost 2 hours of deep sleep and I didn't get up until 9:30 am. Those 2 things made all the difference in the world for me. Granted, when I got up, I felt really sick and all I wanted to do was shoot a fire extinguisher down my throat (figuratively, not literally) to quell the burning in my throat and I ended up in the bathroom, dry heaving at one point (with Queen Neve sitting next to me, judging me on my heaves.....). After that, I felt so much better. I was afraid that my day would have been in the tank after all that but I made a decision that I wasn't going to allow that to ruin my day. But, if I hadn't gotten the deep sleep that I had, I probably would have just crawled back into bed and called it a day.

Before I got my breakfast, I went out and took some pics of the peas and beans (yeah, I know I'm being a bit obsessive with logging their growth on a daily basis). I can't help but wonder if anyone sees me doing that every day. I imagine that if someone would see me doing that, they'd assume that I was either crazy or that I have social media accounts that I'm uploading the pictures to. I haven't emailed them to myself (the quickest way I know to get them from my phone to my laptop). I'll post them in my afternoon blog since I got up far later than I have been lately. Lately, I've been getting up between 5 - 7 am so I had lots of time to take pics, upload them, alter them in whatever way they needed to be and then, put up on this blog. It feels good to sleep in (ha, that's a loose enough term if there ever was one!) but I honestly do love getting up with the sun. There's a peace and stillness right before the sun breaks through the trees that is second to none, doesn't matter where I've lived. I used to get up before dawn when I lived in Cleveland, in New Mexico and even Houston and all those places had the same immeasurable sense of peace that I feel when I get up early here. Now.... if I could couple that with being able to get to bed early enough that I can get up feeling rested, that would solve everything! That's the magic combination right there. If someone knows how to do that, please tell me.... I'm serious.

At any rate, when Joe and I had the chance to talk this morning (we usually try to sit down and talk every morning, even if it's to just trade off how our respective nights went. This morning, we talked about saving money and he's willing to go to a more boring diet. I had said, kiddingly, that we could eat PB sandwiches and burgers for a few days a week to save money and he chimed in, saying that he would be down for that. Maybe I need to drag out my recipes for beans and rice (no cheaper meal than that!). I've been trying to avoid more expensive cuts of meat and trying to do more ground meat meals. I'm also considering asking Joe to order some TVP from Amazon (textured vegetable protein). It's a cheap and easy way to extend ground meat and you can't really taste that it's there. I'm willing to do stuff to extend our meals to the point where we don't have to spend what we do per week and maybe get that amount down to below $150 on a regular basis.

Right now, the amount of money he's spending on meds for the animals is kind of shocking. I don't know the exact amount we do spend in it but I'd bet that we'd be saving thousands per year. We love our animals and as long as they're alive, we'll give them what they need but just the Rebound that Joe gives to both Neve and Heidi is around $15 a week. He gets that from Amazon. We love our pets but they're expensive.

At any rate, another thing that I discovered is Butterfly Pea Flower tea. Oddly, I discovered this on Tiktok. It's a flower that's bright blue and has a lot of health benefits. In fact, the benefits seem to be all encompassing. I just put some in the Amazon cart for Joe to look at.... same with the TVP too.

I guess that's all for now. it's almost lunch time and I'm oddly hungry. Maybe I'll have some of the leftover chicken and make chicken salad.

Stay tuned.......

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